Wednesday 18 January 2017

Advanced Data Structures

NOTE: These Programs are just for example. 

They may not fulfil the actual requirement of Question!

Group A

1. Beginning with an empty binary search tree, Construct binary search tree by inserting the
values in the order given. After constructing a binary tree -
i. Insert new node
ii. Find number of nodes in longest path
iii. Minimum data value found in the tree
iv. Change a tree so that the roles of the left and right pointers are swapped at every node
v. Search a value

2. Convert given binary tree into threaded binary tree. Analyze time and space complexity of the algorithm.

3. For given expression eg. a-b*c-d/e+f construct inorder sequence and traverse it using postorder traversal(non recursive).

Group B

5. There are flight paths between cities. If there is a flight between city A and city B then there is an edge between the cities. The cost of the edge can be the time that flight take to reach city B from A, or the amount of fuel used for the journey. Represent this as a graph. The node can be represented by airport name or name of the city. Use adjacency list representation of the graph or use adjacency matrix representation of the graph. Justify the
storage representation used.


6. Tour operator organizes guided bus trips across the Maharashtra. Tourists may have different preferences. Tour operator offers a choice from many different routes. Every day the bus moves from starting city S to another city F as chosen by client. On this way, the tourists can
see the sights alongside the route travelled from S to F. Client may have preference to choose route. There is a restriction on the routes that the tourists may choose from, the bus has to take a short route from S to F or a route having one distance unit longer than the minimal distance. Two routes from S to F are considered different if there is at least one road from a
city A to a city B which is part of one route, but not of the other route.


7. Consider the scheduling problem. n tasks to be scheduled on single processor. Let t1, ..., tn be durations required to execute on single processor is known. The tasks can be executed in any order but one task at a time. Design a greedy algorithm for this problem and find a schedule that minimizes the total time spent by all the tasks in the system. (The time spent by one is the sum of the waiting time of task and the time spent on its execution.)

Group C

8. Implement all the functions of a dictionary (ADT) using hashing.
Data: Set of (key, value) pairs, Keys are mapped to values, Keys must be comparable, Keys must be unique Standard Operations: Insert(key, value), Find(key), Delete(key)

9. Consider telephone book database of N clients. Make use of a hash table implementation to quickly look up client‘s telephone number.

Group D
10. A Dictionary stores keywords & its meanings. Provide facility for adding new keywords, deleting keywords, updating values of any entry. Provide facility to display whole data sorted in ascending/ Descending order. Also find how many maximum comparisons may require for finding any keyword. Use Height balance tree and find the complexity for finding a keyword


Group E

11. Read the marks obtained by students of second year in an online examination of particular subject. Find out maximum and minimum marks obtained in a that subject. Use heap data structure. Analyze the algorithm.

Group F

12. Department maintains a student information. The file contains roll number, name, division and address. Allow user to add, delete information of student. Display information of particular employee. If record of student does not exist an appropriate message is displayed.
If it is, then the system displays the student details. Use sequential file to main the data.

Group G

13. Write a Java program which will demonstrate a concept of Interfaces and packages: In this assignment design and use of customized interfaces and packages for a specific application are expected

14. Any application defining scope of Formal parameter, Global parameter, Local parameter accessing mechanism and also relevance to private, public and protected access. Write a Java program which demonstrates the scope rules of the programming mechanism.

15. Write a Java program for the implementation of different data structures using JAVA
collection libraries (Standard toolkit library): at least 5 data structures are used to design a suitable application.

Mini Project

Design a mini project using JAVA which will use the different data structure
with or without Java collection library and show the use of specific data
structure on the efficiency (performance) of the code.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Computer Graphics Lab

Computer Graphics Lab (CGL)

Second Year (Sem 3 Practical Program Set)

(According to 2015 New Syllabus)

Download The file from here (G Drive)

File Contains : Following University Questions :

Group A

1. Write C++/Java program to draw line using DDA and Bresenham‘s algorithm. Inherit pixel
class and Use function overloading.

2. Write C++/Java program for line drawing using DDA or Bresenhams algorithm with patterns
such as solid, dotted, dashed, dash dot and thick.

3. Write C++/Java program to draw circle using Bresenham‘s algorithm. Inherit pixel class.

4.Write C++/Java program to draw inscribed and Circumscribed circles in the triangle as shown
as an example below.

5.Write C++/Java program to draw the following pattern using any Line drawing algorithms.

6. Write C++/Java program to draw 2-D object and perform following basic transformations,
a) Scaling
b) Translation
c) Rotation
Use operator overloading.

7. Write C++/Java program to fill polygon using scan line algorithm. Use mouse interfacing to
draw polygon.
8. Write C++/Java program to generate Hilbert curve using concept of fractals.

9. Write C++/Java program to generate snowflake using concept of fractals.

10. To generate Bouncing ball animation using Blender

11. Write C++/Java program to implement translation, sheer, rotation and scaling transformations
on equilateral triangle and rhombus.

12. Write C++/Java program to draw 3-D cube and perform following transformations on it using
a) Scaling
b) Translation
c) Rotation about one axis

(Steps for installing openGL lib in ubuntu)

1. Open Terminal
2. sudo apt-get install freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libglew1.5 libglew1.5-dev libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dev 
3. paste the given commands in step 2 and hit enter.
4.Download sample Programs from below.
5. compile it using g++ in terminal.

g++ filename.cpp -lGL -lglut -lGLU


13.Write C++/Java program to simulate any one of or similar scene-
 Clock with pendulum
 National Flag hoisting
 Vehicle/boat locomotion
See Video (EXAMPLE)
 Water drop falling into the water and generated waves after impact
 Kaleidoscope views generation (at least 3 colorful patterns)

Microprocessor Lab

MicroProcessor Lab (MIL)

Second Year (Sem 3 Practical Program Set)

(According to 2015 New Syllabus)

Download The file from here (G Drive)

NOTE: These Programs are just for example. 

They may not fulfil the actual requirement of Question!

File Contains : Following University Questions :

Download MIL assignment PDF file

1. Write X86/64 ALP to count number of positive and negative numbers from the array

2. Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer (with and
without string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data

3. Write X86/64 ALP to convert 4-digit Hex number into its equivalent BCD number and 5-
digit BCD number into its equivalent HEX number. Make your program user friendly to
accept the choice from user for:
(a) HEX to BCD b) BCD to HEX (c) EXIT.


Display proper strings to prompt the user while accepting the input and displaying the
result. (wherever necessary, use 64-bit registers)
4. Write X86/64 ALP to perform multiplication of two 8-bit hexadecimal numbers. Use
successive addition and add and shift method. Accept input from the user. (use of 64-bit
registers is expected)

successive addition:

add and shift method:


5. Write X86 ALP to find, a) Number of Blank spaces b) Number of lines c) Occurrence of a
particular character. Accept the data from the text file. The text file has to be accessed
during Program_1 execution and write FAR PROCEDURES in Program_2 for the rest of
the processing. Use of PUBLIC and EXTERN directives is mandatory.

6. Write X86/64 ALP to switch from real mode to protected mode and display the values of
GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers.

7. Write X86 program to sort the list of integers in ascending/descending order. Read the input
from the text file and write the sorted data back to the same text file using bubble sort.

(INSTRUCTIONS: create a .txt file at the same location (where the asm file is present ) with 

some single digit numbers separated by "Enter" key. and then run the program and 
enter the same txt file name with extension
ex: Enter File Name:  abc.txt )

8. Write X86 menu driven Assembly Language Program (ALP) to implement OS (DOS)
commands TYPE, COPY and DELETE using file operations. User is supposed to provide
command line arguments in all cases.

9. Write x86 ALP to find the factorial of a given integer number on a command line by using
recursion. Explicit stack manipulation is expected in the code.

10. Write a Terminate but Stay Resident (TSR) program for a key-logger. The key-presses
during the stipulated time need to be displayed at the center of the screen. 
Write a TSR to generate the pattern of the frequency tones by reading the Real Time
Clock (RTC). The duration of the each tone is solely decided by the programmer.

11. Write 80387 ALP to obtain: i) Mean ii) Variance iii) Standard Deviation Also plot the
histogram for the data set. The data elements are available in a text file.

12. Write 80387 ALP to find the roots of the quadratic equation. All the possible cases must be
considered in calculating the roots.